
Print ISSN 1016-2283


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A.I. and the Destruction of Thought: How Might George Orwell and Bernard Stiegler Speak to Each Other?
Fictional Historicity: Gawain, an Evasive Knight in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and a Manipulating Knight in Ishiguro’s The Buried Giant
Houses in Motion and Queer Voyagers in the Ordinary: Spatial Ideology of Modernism and Gertrude Stein’s Domestic Space
(Un)Becoming English: Performing Nationality and Motherhood in Daniel Defoe’s The Fortunate Mistress, or Roxana
Trauma, Emotion, and the Subject: Exploring Shifts Between Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience
Gregory Bateson’s Gift of Double Bind and the Logic of Meta-Communication
Milton’s God of Education: Understanding Providence, Free Will, and Education in Paradise Lost
The Consumer as an Aesthetic Subject in Nella Larsen’s Quicksand
Reading Depression as a Disability in 20th Century American Plays: Focused on ’night, Mother and Death of a Salesman
Reading Eliot’s Four Quartets: Looking at the Gap between Kairos and Chronos
Investigating Changing Trends in College English Education Before and After the Introduction of the Jeoldaepyeongga System to the KCSAT English Section
수능 영어 절대평가 도입 전후의 대학영어교육 변화 추세에 대한 연구
Is “Modern” Enough?: Rethinking Drama after the Holocaust Hoon-sung Hwang, The Evolution of Modern English Drama Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 2020.