Contribution of Linguistics to The Theory of Grammar - A Historical Sketch -
Yang Seo Pae
page: 3-13
King Lear ' 의 대조적인 (對照的) 요소와 그 배경
문상득 Sang Duck Mun
page: 14-47
John Webster 작 The Duchess of Malfi 소고 (小考)
이경식 Kyung Shik Lee
page: 48-64
Wordsworth 의 Egotism
장세기 Se Ki Chang
page: 65-85
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court 의 사회비평
채동배 Dong Bae Chae
page: 86-103
A Note on Hopkins' Rhyme
Keun Sup Lee
page: 104-109
Landscape Imagery in Moby Dick
Yong Kwon Kim
page: 110-113
Prosody : A Comparison between Gleason and Strang
Oon Chae Cho
page: 114-118
Shakespeare Our Contemporary by Jan Kott
여석기 Suk Ki Yoh
page: 119-125
Herzog by Saul Bellow
나영균 Yung Kyun La
page: 126-129