Chuaucer's Clerk's Tale : A Disrupted Exemplum
Hi Kyung Moon
page: 643-655
Catherine Morland and Henry Tilney : Two Readers in Northanger Abbey
Jung Hwa Oh
page: 657-674
The Modern American Adam's Utopian Experiment in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Jin Hee Yim
page: 675-687
Dorclote Mill : A Note on Social Histoy in George Eliot's The Mill on the Floss
Hye Joon Yoon
page: 689-699
The Narcissus Myth and Heart of Darkness
Sook Hee Cho
page: 701-719
The Illusion of Permanence in Rudyard Kipling's Kim
Boo Eung Koh
page: 721-741
Narration as Tragic Experience in Faulkner's Absalom , Absalom !
Kyhan Lee
page: 743-754
" Playing a Role " : Caryl Churchill's Theatrical Art and Political Art in Cloud Nine
Hee Won Lee
page: 755-778
In Defense of the Literal Force Hypothesis
Hakan Kuh
page: 779-790
Why Do Korean / English Bilingual Children Perform Better on Reflexives than on Pronouns ?
Dami Lee
page: 791-801
박희진 저 , 『 버지니아 울프 연구 』
page: 803-808
다시 읽고 새로 쓰기 - " 포스트 포던적 읽기 " 의 담론 전략 이정호 저 , 『 영미시의 포스트모던적 읽기 - 『 베오울프 』에서 T . S . 엘리엇까지 』
page: 809-814