" The Absent Mother " as the Secret to Mary Shelley`s Creative Energy for Frankenstein
Yang Sook Shin
page: 921-939
African Americans and Colonialism : James Baldwin`s Essays in the Era of the Civil Rights Movement
Sahng Young Moon
page: 941-957
Blake as an Antinomian Saint
Young Shik Kim
page: 959-978
Dickens and the " Noble Savage " in Edwin Drood
Hyung Ji Park
page: 979-995
" The Estate of Hostility " : Hobbesian Philosophy in Rochester`s " A Satyr Against Reason and Mankind "
Ju Sik Park
page: 997-1015
Expanding the Parameters of Literary Studies : Toni Morrison`s Paradise
Min Jung Kim
page: 1017-1040
The Figural and Affective Journey of Will in Piers Plowman : A Pattern of Conversion
Min Woo Yoon
page: 1041-1062
Henry James and the Devouring Publicity of Life : the Figure of the Journalist in The Bostonians
Yeon Jin Hahm
page: 1063-1078
The Interaction between Vowel Lengthening and Flapping in American English
Mi Hui Cho
page: 1079-1092
" Marking the Land " : China Men as a Mythic Counterhistory
Jae H . Roe
page: 1093-1109
Myth , History , and Utopia in Edward Bond`s The Woman
Kyung Won Lee
page: 1111-1127
Pinter`s Cinematic Transliteration : The Deterritorialized Space of The French Lieutenants Woman
Moon Young Chung
page: 1129-1145
The Pronunciation of < c > in Old English : Palatalization and Umlaut
An Nah Moon
page: 1147-1171
Samuel Richardson`s Sir Charles Grandison as the " Middle - Class Aristocrat " : Redefining the Eighteenth - Century English Hero and Nation
E . Wha Chung
page: 1173-1189
Shakespeare Subtitled , Culture Untitled ; Translation of Shakespeare Films in Korea
Sung Won Cho
page: 1191-1209
Simulations of America in Mark Twain`s Extract from Captain Stormfield`s Visit to Heaven
Bong Eun Kim
page: 1211-1225
Using Luce Irigaray , Reading D. H. Lawrence`s The Plumed Serpent
Seung Hyun Hong
page: 1227-1243