World Literature and Its Discontents
Robert T. Tally, Jr
page: 401-419
Orality, Silence, and Recovery in South African, Cambodian, and Nigerian Literatures
Karen Thornber
page: 421-439
Information Fatigue, Environmental Fatigue: Producing Affect in Ecomedia
Simon C. Estok
page: 441-459
Ekphrasis and Whiteness in Recent American Poetry
Robert Grotjohn
page: 461-476
Triple Layers and Triangulation in Anne Bronte`s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Sook Kyong Hyun
page: 477-494
An Ethics of Betrayal in The Black Album
Hyun Sook Oh
page: 495-515
Palimpsestuous Interweaving of Scientific and Pastoral Discourses in Stoppard`s Arcadia
Hee Bon Park
page: 517-533
American Football Talk: Money, Automobile, and Military Metaphors
Chang Bong Lee
page: 535-554
Daniel J. Cohen and Tom Scheinfeldt, eds. Hacking the Academy: New Approaches to Scholarship and Teaching from Digital Humanities Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2013. 168pp. Available as an ebook
Ira Nadel
page: 555-558