
Print ISSN 1016-2283


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Extinction and Judgment: Misanthropy in the Anthropocene
Illiterary Reflections on the Subaltern
Specters of Empire: Transnational American Bio / Necropolitics and Spectropolitics in Heinz Insu Fenkl’s Memories of My Ghost Brother
The Traumatized Protagonist and Cross-cultural Contexts in Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker
“Why-for are you such a horrible contradiction?”: Kipling and the “Chinese Question”
Teleological Narrative and Silence: Anglo-Irish Perception of History in Elizabeth Bowen’s The Last September
Communication and Communion on the Z String: Reading on Dead Man’s Cell Phone in Emmanuel Levinas’ Ethics
제트(Z) 선상의 소통과 교감: 에마뉘엘 레비나스의 타자 윤리로 『죽은 남자의 휴대폰』 읽기
The Calibans of the Metropolis: The Schema of Violence in This Island’s Mine
메트로폴리스의 캘리번들: 『이 섬은 나의 것』에 나타난 폭력의 도식
The Political Unconscious of Hard Times: “Populace Ideologeme” Overthrowing the Surface of a Narrative
『어려운 시절』의 정치적 무의식 ―서사의 표층을 전복시키는 “하층민 이데올로기소”
Robert Cormier’s ‘Identity Politics’: The Fictional Identity of Adam Presented in I am the Cheese
로버트 코미어의 ‘정체성 정치학’ ―『나는 치즈다』에 나타나는 애덤의 허구적 정체성